Un museo domestico

Un museo domestico
CLIENT: Privato
STATUS: Completed
[IT] A Torino abbiamo terminato un progetto di ristrutturazione che collega due appartamenti trasformandoli in un’unica abitazione-galleria su due livelli per un estimatore d’arte contemporanea. Linee semplici, finiture lussuose e molte opere d’arte. Un vasto soggiorno al piano inferiore raccoglie i quadri e sculture più importanti ed si collega alla zona notte da una scala in acciaio che taglia il solaio come la lama di un coltello.

[EN] For an art lover as our client we drew inspiration in designing one of the bathrooms from the famous Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. The primary colors, yellow, red, blue, framed in rigourous geometries, make an unusal and unique space, where simple lines contribute to give it a connotation that is young and pleasantly luxurious.
This is a renovation project in Turin transforming two apartments into a multilevel live-in museum for a contemporary and African art collector.
Clean lines, refined finishes and lots of artwork throughout the house point in the same direction: an interior that is rich yet simple.
A spacious living-room on the lower floor houses the larger paintings and sculptures and is connected with the night quarters by a stainless steel staircase that cuts through the ceiling like a knife blade.
Made to order as a stand alone functional object, the stair is as much the work of an architect and engineer as of a product designer.
Throughout the 2-tiered apartment, natural light comes as much from the big windows as from large skylights and is diffused to the lower floor through the stairwell.

[FR] À Turin, nous avons réalisé un travail de restructuration pour un amateur d’art contemporain qui concernait deux appartements, les transformant en une seule habitation-galerie sur deux étages. Lignes simples, finition luxueuses et beaucoup d’œuvres d’art. Un vaste séjour au niveau inferieur regroupe les tableau et les sculpture les plus important et est relié a l’espace nuit par un escalier d’acier qui fend la lumière comme la lame d’un couteau.